Extracts from The CCMA Rules Including Rules Of Various Courts, 4th Edition
When practitioners deal with the CCMA rules, it is important to identify other relevant statutory provisions that have an effect on the application of such rules. For instance, when dealing with rule 5 of the CCMA rules (how to serve documents on other parties and notice of any proceedings before the CCMA), it is important to take into account the relevant provisions of the LRA, the Companies Act 71 of 2008, the Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984 as well as specific statutory provisions dealing with this aspect, such as the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000. In a new publication, CCMA Rules Including Rules of Various Courts, the author, Dr Brian van Zyl, follows this approach in respect of each rule of the CCMA and, furthermore, identifies the relevant case law regulating the various provisions applicable to such rules. (eg pages 71 to 92)