CCMA Rules
Including Rules of Various Courts

More than just a publication – your complete, one-stop library dealing with the CCMA, labour and labour appeal court rules.

By Brian van Zyl

CCMA Rules Including Rules of Various Courts - 4th Edition - by Brian van Zyl

Book Overview

The Book makes an important contribution to the establishment of much-needed literature dealing specifically with the topic of the rules governing conduct in the various labour fora and has been well-received by CCMA commissioners, judges, practitioners and students across South Africa.

Author, Brian van Zyl talks about what you can expect in the book.


The publication firstly consists of a detailed analysis of all the CCMA rules. Secondly, it also deals with some of the most important legal issues governing the rules regulating conduct in the labour and labour appeals courts. Lastly, similar and appropriate rules of the uniform rules of court, as well as the rules of the magistrates’ courts also receive extensive attention.

Ease Of Use

Ease of use is achieved by means of:

  • various guidelines
  • the utilisation of diagrams
  • an up-to-date table of cases• the inclusion of relevant prescribed forms
  • comprehensive tables referencing the various rules
  • a detailed table of the primary statutes as well as other statutes and statutory provisions
  • an index comprising more than 30 pages


The author adopted the following format in order to provide practitioners and learners with a structured approach to the vast mass of material:

  • the exposition of each rule as it existed before 1 April 2015 was maintained, seeing that such ‘history’, in various instances, provides insight as to the rationale for subsequent changes
  • in the circumstances where a rule or sub-rule was not amended from 1 January 2019, the previous exposition and analysis applicable from 1 April 2015 was maintained, but, where applicable, statutory amendments and cross-references to such rules have been incorporated
  • in the scenario where a rule or sub-rule was amended from 1 January 2019, the previous position is reflected as ‘The rule from 1 April 2015 to 31 December 2018’ and the exposition and analysis of same has been maintained as well as the identification of relevant case law
  • any amendments and/or insertions of a rule or sub-rule applicable from 1 January 2019 have specifically been identified, analysed and, where applicable, cross-references have been made to statutory amendments as well as amendments and/or insertions to other applicable CCMA rules
  • the comprehensive cross-references made to similar provisions in courts of law (the labour court, labour appeal court, high court and magistrates’ courts) have been maintained

The Author

Dr Brian van Zyl is the co-author of various publications, which include the following: The Final Codes on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment: An Analysis, Part 1 and Part 2, The Business of Restructuring and Guide to the CCMA Rules, 1st and 2nd editions. Brian has been the presenter of The South African Labour Law Reports seminar since 1990. He has recently written Changes to Employment Laws. His latest publication titled CCMA Rules Including Rules of Various Courts was launched towards the end of 2018 and is currently turning out to be a best seller. Brian also regularly practices in the labour courts and the CCMA.

Dr Brian van Zyl

Past Publications

Changes To Employment Laws

Changes To Employment Laws

Text And Commentary – Volume 1
by Brian Van Zyl

CCMA Rules 1st Edition

CCMA Rules – First Edition

by Brian van Zyl, Erika Schlesinger and Floors Brand

CCMA Rules – Second Edition

CCMA Rules – Second Edition

by Brian van Zyl, Erika Schlesinger and Floors Brand

The Final Codes On Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment

The Final Codes on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment An Analysis – Part 1

by Brian van Zyl, Christo Barnardo and Urmila Soni

The Final Codes on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment An Analysis – Part 2

The Final Codes on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment An Analysis – Part 2

by Brian van Zyl and Christo Barnardo

The Bargaining Game

The Bargaining Game – in search of a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay

by Pat Stone

Evidence and Labour Law

Evidence and Labour Law

by Mike Oelschig

The Business of Restructuring

The Business of Restructuring

by Elize Botha, Mark Bussin, Trish Caldas Da Costa, Andreas Dinse, Alan Gedye, Rob Hoffman, Mario Marais, Isabel Meyer, Jurgens Pieterse, Wessel Pretorius, Steve Renecle, Carol Rudd and Brian Van Zyl