SALLR Training Package

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SALLR Training Package

R2,760.00 incl. VAT

Your perfect training companion that will ensure that your training information is correct, relevant and up-to-date.

Download an order form, complete it and send it to or fax it to 041 373 4323.


Order online by selecting ADD TO BASKET below.


  • SALLR recording link
  • hardcopy SALLR workbook
  • electronic workbook
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • learner assistance
  • Brainfood newsletter
  • SALLR website
  • SALLR library

SALLR recording link for a period of two months after purchasing the package

You will have unlimited access to a recording of the 36th SALLRs’ annual seminar live broadcast for such two month period. By choosing this training material, you will have peace of mind that the SALLR team has:

  • selected the correct topics identifying the latest developments in labour law, employee relations and human resources
  • identified appropriate trends
  • uniquely categorised the content of such topics
  • formulated insightful questions and provided customised answers
  • cross-referenced the developments to publications, judgments, awards

Hardcopy SALLR workbook

Simply put, it is 383 pages jam-packed with all the essential tools you need to keep up-to-date and ready to deal with all the challenges you are currently facing.

Some of the unique features set out per the attached extracts are the following:

  • a contents section categorising the content of the workbook under various headings
  • per judgment/award/ruling, identifying relevant issues that are to be considered by the reader
  • references to other publications also reporting judgments/awards/rulings
  • each judgment/award/ruling is analysed as follows:
    • introduction
    • pertinent facts
    • findings
    • order/award/ruling
  • legislation update from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
  • an extensive table of cases, comprising 330 judgments/awards/rulings
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SALLR electronic workbook

By means of your unique user identification and password, you will be able to search the content of the current seminar workbook with all previous seminar workbooks, going back to 1997. This fully-searchable electronic product will be of immense use during training sessions.

Learner assistance

All you have to do when you get stuck is to log a consultation with the SALLR panel of learner assistants, consisting of advocates, attorneys and consultants. This facility is available for a 3-month period after you purchase this package.


For the next 12 months, you will be kept up-to-date with Brainfood, the regular SALLR newsletter.

SALLR website

For the next 12 months, you will receive free subscription to the SALLR website.

SALLR library

For the next 12 months, you will receive free subscription to the SALLR library, which consists of our published judgments and arbitration awards/rulings – on an annual basis, we publish approximately 20 000 CCMA awards/rulings, 10 000 bargaining council awards/rulings and 400 judgments of the various courts.