What is the test to be applied when unfair discrimination is alleged on a listed ground in terms of s6(1) of the EEA?
- The answer to the above entails the test as set out in s11(1) of the EEA.
- Step 1 entails that the employer must identify the specific listed ground and, if the employee fails to do so, the matter does not proceed to step 2.
- Step 2 entails the employer discharging the onus on it to prove, on a balance of probabilities:
- that the discrimination, as alleged, did not take place, or
- if the discrimination did take place, that same is rational and not unfair or otherwise justifiable
- if the employer discharges this onus, then the claim is dismissed for being bad in law – on the other hand, if the onus is not discharged, unfair discrimination on the listed ground has been established