Article 45/2021

Labour Edge

With reference to Jacobson v Vitalab (2019) 30 SALLR 175 (LC), what is the test to be met to succeed in raising an exception:

In order to succeed, the excipient must necessarily persuade the court that, on every interpretation the pleading in question can reasonably bear, no cause of action is disclosed (First National Bank of Southern Africa Ltd v Perry NO 2001 (3) SA 960 (SCA)). Care must be taken to distinguish the facts which must be proved in order to disclose a cause of action from the evidence necessary to prove them. The determination of the latter, in each particular case, is essentially a matter of substantive law rather than procedure (Alphedie Investments (Pty) Ltd v Greentops (Pty) Ltd 1975 (1) SA 161 (T)).

In assessing if reinstatement is fitting after CCMA deems dismissal in a fixed-term contract unfair, what factors guide this determination?

Is a binding agreement between a retrenching employer and the alternative employer required for the above section to be applicable and what role does the retrenching employer have to play in arranging alternative employment for such section to be applicable?

An accountant at a municipality faced dismissal for attempting to access the account. Reinstated after appealing to the bargaining council, new charges of dishonesty and IT policy breach led to another dismissal.