What are the remedies available to a successful applicant in an unfair labour practice dispute and how is compensation calculated in this regard?
Application of s193(4) of the LRA
- the arbitrator is required to determine the dispute on terms that are reasonable and same may include reinstatement, re-employment or compensation
Application of s193(2) of the LRA
- The primary relief is reinstatement or re-employment unless in terms of s193(2)(c) of the LRA:
- the employee does not wish for it or
- continued employment is intolerable or
- reinstatement or re-employment is not reasonably practicable or
- the dismissal is only procedurally unfair
Application of s194(4) of the LRA
- compensation must be just and equitable in all circumstances but amount to no more than 12 months’ remuneration
Calculation when awarding compensation
- it is indeed compensation for non-patrimonial loss and the jurisprudence relating to the award of a solatium in respect of the Actio Iniuriarum is relevant (Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v Tshishonga (2009) 30 ILJ 1799 (LAC)
- compensation is designed to ‘…compensate the person who has suffered an attack on his or her dignity and reputation or an onslaught on his or her humanity’ – Tshishonga judgment (supra)
The following factors are relevant in this regard:
- the seriousness of the infringement on the dignity
- the nature and extent of the publication
- the reputation of the employee
- the motives and conduct of the employer (Tshishonga judgment (supra); Mogale and Others v Seima 2008 (5) SA 637 (SCA))
The following guidelines should be applied when calculating compensation:
- the award must attempt to place the employee in the position he/she would have been in had it not been for the unfair labour practice
- the award must be reasonable and fair in all circumstances
- however, there is a duty on the employee to mitigate damages (Solidarity obo Kerns v Mudau NO (2007) 28 ILJ 1146 (LC); Ferodo (Pty) Ltd v De Ruiter (1993) 14 ILJ 974 (LAC))