What are the different phases to be adopted in formulating a strategic organisational redesign model?
Phase 1 should entail assessing the environment within which the organisation operates in respect of threats and opportunities, industry analysis, etc.
Phase 2 should focus specifically in assessing the organisation in respect of identified and relevant considerations, such as core competencies, organisational capabilities, culture, stakeholders, business patterns, value creation, etc.
Having executed phases 1 and 2, the strategic organisational team should be in a position to formulate the strategic intent to be adopted in such exercise – Phase 3.
Phase 4 entails the actual strategic organisational design, dealing with strategic groupings, strategic linking, alignment and value creation – this is, in essence, the restructuring process envisaged by the Labour Relations Act.
Phase 5 entails the continual aligning of the identified strategic intent with implementation that should result in the required strategy implementation.